Ohio Edison, part of the FirstEnergy group of companies, is a utility company that operates in the northeast and northcentral regions of Ohio. The utility company is responsible for maintaining the power lines that deliver electricity to more than one million customers including the city of Akron. The responsibilities of the company changed in 2001, thanks to the passage of Senate Bill 3 (SB3) by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio. Ohio Edison is no longer the sole provider of electric generation. SB3 allowed outside electric suppliers to enter the market, giving Ohio residents an alternate choice for power generation.

Ohio Edison Power Outage
One of the main responsibilities of utility companies in Ohio is to make sure the lights stay on. If you recently changed electric suppliers and experience a power outage, then you will still need to contact Ohio Edison. Thankfully, technology has come a long way and most potential power outages can be detected and diverted before they can occur. However, if you do experience a prolonged outage, then contact the utility company.
- Ohio Edison Power Outage Number: 1-888-544-4877
Ohio Edison Price to Compare
Ohio Edison is required to be the supplier of last resort and provide a default rate for generation charges to customers that don’t switch to an alternate electric supplier. The default rate is also known as the price to compare. Customers that shop and compare electric rates can use the price to compare to determine energy savings. If an electric supplier is offering a supply rate lower than the price to compare, then the customer will be saving money by switching to the new supplier.
Ohio Energy Choice
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) changed the landscape of the energy market in 1999 with the passage of SB3. The bill gave Ohioans the choice to shop and compare electric suppliers and switch to electricity rates that may be more favorable than the utility’s default rate. The entry of more energy suppliers into the market has helped keep prices competitive while giving residents a variety of energy plans to select from.
Renewable Energy in Ohio
Ohio is among many states that have implemented Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS). The RPS is a set of regulations requiring a set percentage of electricity sold in the state to be generated from renewable energy sources. The percentage requirement will increase every year and is expected to be set at 8.5% by 2026.
This requirement has artificially created a market for renewable energy sources. More investments are being directed to third-party renewable power generation companies that are being set up to meet these requirements. Electric suppliers that don’t meet the requirement may purchase Renewable Energy Credits (RECs) to make up for any shortcomings.
With the market for renewable energy power generation growing, more electric suppliers are providing customers options to go with a 100% renewable energy plan. These plans promise to generate the equivalent amount of energy the customer is expected to use during the term, from renewable energy sources.
Beware of Scams
Don’t fall victim to scam artists that are looking to take advantage of vulnerable customers. Reports have been rising across the country of suspicious activities targeting utility customers. Ohio Edison has set out a list of suspicious activities to look out for.
- Threatening Phone Calls – These phone calls have the scammer demanding immediate payment to avoid having the power shut off.
- Unexpected Visitors – It is not recommended to let anyone claiming to be an employee of the utility company into your home unless you have scheduled an appointment.
- Suspicious Emails – Do not open any emails that look suspicious. These emails often contain malware that can cause damage or steal valuable information.
- Unusual Requests – You will never be contacted by an employee requesting sensitive information such as a social security number or bank account number.
If you experience any suspicious activities, then contact Ohio Edison immediately: 1-800-633-4766
Changing Electric Suppliers
Homes and businesses in the Ohio Edison service area should take advantage of Ohio energy choice! There is no need to be on the utility company’s high default rate when you can save over 25% by switching to another electric supplier. When you switch electric suppliers expect to receive the same quality of service from Ohio Edison.
The process of changing to a new electric supplier will be automatic and you will not have to contact the old supplier. The new energy supplier will contact the utility company who will then be responsible for overseeing the switch. You can expect the switch to happen on the next available meter read. Depending on when your meter read falls, the switching process may take up to two months.