Dayton Power and Light (AES Ohio) Utility Company
Dayton Power and Light is now known as AES Ohio. The utility company operates in the west-central region of Ohio and provides power to more than one million people. With 154 substations, Dayton Power and Light’s service area covers 6,000 square miles that include 1,682 miles of transmission lines.
The Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) deregulated the electricity market in 1999 with the passage of Senate Bill 3 (SB3). Since that time, the main responsibility of the utility companies became to maintain the infrastructure to safely deliver power to homes and businesses in Ohio.
- Dayton Power and Light (AES Ohio) Customer Number: 1-800-433-8500

Dayton Power and Light Power Outage
If you experience a power outage, then you will need to contact the utility company. Dayton Power and Light will be responsible for assuring the reliability of the power grid within its service area. Thanks to the millions of dollars spent on improving the power grid, potential power outages may be detected and diverted before they can occur.
- Dayton Power and Light (AES Ohio) Power Outage Number: 1-877-468-8243
Power and Light Price to Compare
Residents that choose not to select an alternate electric supplier will be provided a default rate for supply services by Dayton Power and Light. The default rate is often not competitive and changes throughout the year. This rate is also known as the price to compare and can be used by residents when shopping for a new electric supplier. If an electric supplier is providing a supply rate lower than the price to compare, then the customer will be saving money by switching to the new electric supplier.
Dayton Power and Light (DPL) Bill Pay
DPL has implemented programs to help customers pay energy bills during difficult times. Higher energy prices can often make it more difficult for families on fixed incomes. The programs below can ease the financial burden and help families balance their budgets without having to worry about losing power.
- Budget Billing – Budget billing allows the customer to pay the same amount each month. The amount is determined based on the customer’s historical usage. In August, the customer will either have a balance due or credit based on the actual usage consumed.
- Percentage of Income – This program allows qualified applicants to pay a set percentage of their monthly income towards the utility bills.
Understanding Energy Deregulation in Ohio
Energy deregulation has given more power to Ohio residents to control energy costs by allowing them to choose an alternate electric supplier. The electric suppliers are responsible for generating or purchasing the power needed to supply a customer during a period. Lowering the supply rate will lower the generation costs.
The utility companies will still be responsible for delivering the power to the customer. Switching electric suppliers will not change the quality of service provided by the utility company. Most deregulated electricity markets operate under single billing. This means the customer will continue to receive one electric bill that will incorporate both the delivery and supply charges.
Choosing an Electric Supplier
Electric suppliers must be licensed by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). With so many electric suppliers, how do you know which one is right for you? The first step in selecting a supplier is to determine the type of energy plan you want. The right plan for you may not be the same one your neighbor selects.
The two most common energy plans are fixed and variable rates. Fixed rates will not change during the duration of the energy agreement. If you’re conservative and don’t want to worry about fluctuating rates, then a fixed rate might be right for you.
Variable rates may change monthly. If you don’t want to be stuck with a long-term agreement, then you may select to go with a variable rate plan. Most variable-rate plans allow the customer to cancel or change electric suppliers without having to pay an early cancellation fee.