Newark Electricity Rates
Homes and businesses in Newark, Ohio have the choice to switch electric suppliers and save 20% or more on energy bills. Newark electricity rates have become more competitive since Ohio took steps to allow outside energy suppliers to begin offering supply or generation services to residents in the state. Ohioans are no longer stuck with the utility company and can shop for an alternate electric supplier and lower the supply rate on the electric bill. The utility companies have become the supplier of last resort and will provide generation services to customers that decide not to switch energy providers.
The city of Newark, Ohio has a population of fewer than 50,000 people and is located 40 miles east of Columbus. The weather consists of warm humid summers and short cold winters. Energy demand fluctuates throughout the year and is correlated to changes in weather patterns. Fixed-rate energy plans can protect customers from sudden spikes in energy prices caused by extreme weather.
Utility Companies in Newark Ohio
AEP Ohio is the main utility company in Newark responsible for managing the lines and wires that deliver power to homes and businesses. The delivery costs are regulated by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO). A customer will not be able to switch to another utility company for the delivery services.
Newark Ohio Power Outages
AEP Ohio is responsible for assuring the reliability of the power grid. If you change electric suppliers and experience a power outage, then you will need to contact the utility company. Thanks to smart meters and other measures taken up by the utility company, peak demands, and high congestion can be better managed, minimizing power failures during extreme weather. If you do need to report an outage, then contact AEP Ohio.
- AEP Ohio Power Outage Number: 1-800-672-2231
Difference Between Utility Companies and Electric Suppliers
The utility companies and electric suppliers play different roles in deregulated energy markets. The main responsibility of the utility company is to deliver power to customers in their respective service areas. They are also required by PUCO to provide a default service for generation supply to those that decide not to switch to an alternate electric supplier.
Electric suppliers provide generation or supply services to customers looking to get off the utility’s default rate. This is the cost of generating the power the customer is expected to use for a given period. The power generated is transferred to the local utility company before being delivered to your home or business. Residents that switch electric suppliers will still receive one electric bill from the utility company that will incorporate both the delivery and supply charges. This is known as single billing and is the most common method in deregulated energy markets.
Solar and Wind Power Options for Newark Residents
One of the great benefits of energy choice is being able to take advantage of how a percentage of your power is generated. Renewable energy is considered to be a cleaner form of power generation than conventional methods such as oil and coal. Newark residents can take advantage of renewable energy options by electing to have a percentage of power generated from solar or wind.

Residents that decide to install solar panels or wind power will need to connect to the electricity grid to receive credit for the power generated. Customers will need a qualified contractor to properly install the equipment. Upon approval, the system will then be connected to the power grid and customers can begin to enjoy the benefits of generating their power.
Compare Energy Plans and Save
Not every energy plan is built the same. Along with energy choice comes the benefits of being able to choose from a variety of energy plans. Taking advantage of renewable energy does not require the customer to install heavy equipment on their property. More energy suppliers are now offering 100% renewable energy plans. These plans often come with a premium and aren’t as cheap as conventional plans.
Most customers want the lowest rate possible. It’s not surprising long-term fixed-rate are becoming popular among customers. These plans protect the customer from fluctuations in the energy market while allowing them to budget for future expenses. Customers on fixed-rate plans can lower their energy bills by conserving energy. Direct Energy and Spark Energy are two providers that are known to provide quality service at competitive prices.