Worcester, MA is just one of many cities in Massachusetts that is located in a deregulated electricity market. This means residents can shop for an alternate electric supplier and save money on their electric bills. Worcester electricity rates have been more competitive as the supply of energy providers entering the market has increased. Massachusetts’s electricity markets became deregulated thanks to the Electric Industry Restructuring Act, which was introduced in 1997. The passage of this act unbundled the responsibilities of the utility companies, allowing energy providers to offer supply services in the state.
The city of Worcester is located 50 miles west of Boston and has a population of just over 185,000. Given its geographical location, the city is subject to cold winters that can produce over 50 inches of snow per year. The harsh winters can have negative impacts on energy prices. The rising demand can put upward pressure on energy rates. Thanks to energy choice, customers can now lock in long-term rates and protect themselves from market volatility.
Worcester Utility Companies
The main job of Massachusetts’s utility companies is to manage and maintain the power lines that deliver the electricity to its customers. This shows up on the electric bill as the delivery or distribution charge and constitutes the regulated section of the electric bill. A customer will not be able to switch to another utility company.
National Grid (Massachusetts Electric) is the utility company that delivers the power in Worcester. National Grid is also responsible for providing the basic service charge for supply services to customers that choose not to select another energy provider. The basic service charge is also known as the price to compare. The price to compare can be used to compare energy providers. If a provider is offering a rate lower than the price to compare, then the customer will be saving money by switching to the new energy provider.
If you change energy providers and experience a power outage, then you will need to contact National Grid (Massachusetts Electric). National Grid is responsible for fixing all power outages within its service area.
- National Grid (Massachusetts Electric) power outage contact: 1-800-465-1212
Renewable Energy in Worcester
National Grid is doing its part in spreading the accessibility to green energy across the state. The utility company launched National Grid Renewables through its non-regulated National Grid Ventures unit. The company will be focused on increasing the transition from conventional methods of power generation to environmentally sustainable methods through clean energy sources. To achieve this, the company has increased investments in solar, onshore wind, and battery storage. The acquisition of Geronimo Energy in 2019, a leading wind and solar developer, will further solidify its role as a leader in the continued growth of renewable energy in North America.
Energy suppliers provide customers with options to choose from 100% renewable energy plans. Renewable energy plans will generate electricity from sources such as solar, wind, and biofuels. Electricity rates generated through renewable energy sources tend to be higher compared to those that come from conventional methods of generation such as coal and oil. As technology continues to improve, we can expect these prices to go down.
Energy Savings Program
Along with being able to select a new energy plan and further reduce the supply rate on the electric bill, National Grid offers energy savings programs to customers in its service area. The programs are designed to help customers reduce their overall energy usage. Lowering the supply rate on the electric bill along with reducing the number of kilowatt-hours per month will maximize your savings!

Heating/Cooling your Home
Worcester residents can save up to $600 off qualified electric heat pump water heaters. This equipment can save you an additional 30% on energy costs. Along with keeping your home warm during the winter, National Grid also offers rebates up to $500 on the most energy-efficient central air conditioning systems.

Appliances and Electronics
Make sure you’re using the most energy-efficient appliances and electronics in your home with Energy Star certification. Save on energy without sacrificing performance. If you’re already using Energy Star certified products in your home, you may be qualified to receive a rebate from National Grid.

Income Eligible Services
We are living in difficult times. You shouldn’t have to give up comfort due to circumstances outside your control. If qualified for the Income-Eligible Energy Savings Program, you will receive a no-cost home energy assessment. Qualified applicants at no additional costs may receive benefits such as Led energy-saving light bulbs, water-saving faucet aerators, and low-flow showerheads.