Rockland Electric is a subsidiary of Orange and Rockland Electric Company which provides energy to more than 300,000 customers in both New York and northern New Jersey. The main responsibility of Rockland Electric is to maintain and manage power lines that deliver electricity to customers within its service area. New Jersey residents located within the service area have the power to choose an alternate electric supplier and save money on the electric bill.

Rockland Electric Power Outage
Rockland Electric is responsible for resolving all power outages within its service area. If you recently changed electric suppliers and experience a power outage, then you will need to contact the utility company.
- Rockland Electric Customer Service Number: 1-877-434-4100
Rockland Electric Price to Compare
Along with managing the power lines, Rockland Electric is required to act as the supplier of last resort for customers that decide not to switch to another electric supplier. The rate Rockland Electric charges to customers for the supply service is known as the price to compare. This rate is a monthly variable rate and often not very competitive.
Customers that wish to change electric suppliers can use the price to compare to determine savings. If an electric supplier is offering a supply rate that is lower than the price to compare, then the customer will save money by switching to the new supplier.
New Jersey Energy Choice
New Jersey took steps to deregulate the electricity market back in the early 1990s. It was during this time the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities took steps to restructure the energy market and unbundle the responsibilities of the utility companies. The law opened up the energy market to outside energy suppliers and allowed them to provide supply services to New Jersey residents. The increase in the number of energy suppliers competing against each other has helped push down energy prices. Thanks to energy choice, residents now have a variety of energy plans to select from.
Rockland Electric Energy Saving Programs
Along with comparing energy plans and lowering the supply rate on the electric bill, there are additional steps you can take to further reduce energy consumption and save more money. Rockland Electric has come up with a variety of energy-saving programs for its customers to choose from.
- Time-of-Use rate – Eligible customers can sign up for the TOU (time-of-use) rate. TOU allows customers to take advantage of off-peak periods when energy usage is at its lowest. This drop in demand causes energy prices to also drop. It is during this time customers are encouraged to wash dishes and do laundry. Changing your routine to increase energy consumption during off-peak hours can help you pay a lower rate per kWh.
- Energy-Efficient Products – Save money when purchasing energy-efficient products through RE’s online store. Replacing your regular lights with LED bulbs. According to, Energy Star rated LEDs use 75% less energy and can last up to 25 longer than incandescent lighting.
- Income Eligible Services – Qualified applicants that meet the income requirements can receive a free assessment of their home. Free services may be provided that include weatherization, installation of LED lights, energy-saving appliances, and other measures that can be valued up to $2,500.
Power to Choose
If you’re moving to the Rockland Electric service area, then take advantage of energy choice! There are well over a dozen energy suppliers that offer a variety of energy plans that can help reduce the electric bill. Electric suppliers that provide services in the state must be licensed by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities.
There are a few websites that help residents shop for an electric supplier. At ElectricRateSelect, we strive to offer a platform that allows residential and commercial customers to easily compare rates and select the right energy plan. We have a great team of energy advisors that can walk you through the process and answer any questions you have. Feel free to give us a call today at 1-855-920-2414.